Solar Energy and Energy Storage

Common questions

What can I connect to my #GridIndependence system?

Practically any equipment that works with electrical energy, the ideal is always to make a dimensioning to meet your specific needs.

What factors does the performance of my solar panels depend on?

Climate and environmental conditions, such as high temperatures; the correct orientation and inclination of the panels, the correct electrical installation and the technology used for the manufacture of a solar panel are the main factors that determine a low or high performance of these devices.

That is why we recommend you Carry out your photovoltaic installation with high quality products and with a Solar Energy Partner with the necessary experience, certifications and infrastructure.

Do Solar Panels store energy?

No. Solar panels capture solar radiation emitted during the day to convert it into energy, but do not store it. However, you can get a separate storage system to do the job.

What is a Bidirectional Meter?

This device is responsible for recording the energy injected by the photovoltaic system directly into the electrical network at the interconnection node (connection), as well as the energy demanded from CFE.

What is a Solar Inverter?

It is the device that is responsible for transforming the direct current (DC) energy generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity.

What are Solar Panels?

The Solar Panel or Solar Module is the device responsible for capturing the solar radiation emitted during the day to later be converted and used as electrical energy.

These devices are made up of small monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon cells interconnected with each other and encapsulated in tempered glass, with the aim of converting the solar radiation that falls on its surface to electrical energy through the photoelectric effect. Commercial solar panels can contain 60 or 72 cells depending on their dimensions.

EcoTip: The photoelectric effect was discovered in 1905 by A. Einstein earning him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922, and explains how photons (particles of light) impact on electrons in a material giving rise to an electric current.

What are the elements of a Photovoltaic System?

The main elements of a photovoltaic system are:
- Solar panels
- Inverter or solar microinverter
- Mounting Structure
- Bidirectional meter
- Storage System
- Monitoring System

Does installing Solar Panels imply any risk for my electronic devices?

No, since the function of the inverter is to connect to the existing electrical network in the home. Likewise, the necessary electrical protections are installed to avoid any disturbance to the network and therefore to your electrical devices.

How can I know how many Solar Panels fit on my roof?

A survey must be carried out where the true dimensions of the roof are recorded, as well as all the equipment that may represent an obstacle or cause some shading on the solar panels. With this information, the design of the system is carried out and the exact number of Solar Panels that fit on a roof is determined.

How much is the minimum number of Solar Panels that can be installed in a house?

There is no minimum number of solar panels to install, however, in order to see savings, the system must be adequately sized. There are two types of interconnected photovoltaic systems; those that use a central inverter for energy conversion and systems with distributed conversion (with micro-inverters). The latter allow the installation of a single solar panel.

Central inverters, on the other hand, have a lower starting voltage limit; To cover this requirement, 3 to 4 solar panels are generally necessary (depending on the power of the solar panel).

Can Solar Panels be used only for my Air Conditioners?

An isolated or autonomous system (with batteries) can be dimensioned to cover a certain energy consumption, it must be taken into account that the higher the electrical consumption, the greater the number of batteries.In an interconnected system the solar panels will inject energy into the entire electrical circuit where the meter is connected, this means that the energy generated by the panels is distributed to all the appliances connected to said circuit as well as to the CFE electrical network and not only to the air conditioning .

Is the fact of installing Solar Panels synonymous with turning on the Air Conditioning 24/7?

No. The system was sized to cover a certain percentage of your electricity consumption. If energy consumption increases, the savings will not be perceptible.

If this is your goal, we recommend talking to your Ecocentro Photovoltaic Advisor about your plans to achieve the correct sizing of your photovoltaic system.

What are Solar Panels?

The Solar Panel or Solar Module is the device responsible for capturing the solar radiation emitted during the day to later be converted and used as electrical energy.

These devices are made up of small monocrystalline or polycrystalline silicon cells interconnected with each other and encapsulated in tempered glass, with the aim of converting the solar radiation that falls on its surface to electrical energy through the photoelectric effect. Commercial solar panels can contain 60 or 72 cells depending on their dimensions.

EcoTip: The photoelectric effect was discovered in 1905 by A. Einstein earning him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922, and explains how photons (particles of light) impact on electrons in a material giving rise to an electric current.

How many Solar Panels does a normal INFONAVIT house need?

It is not possible to predict a number since the number of solar panels is determined by the electrical consumption of the property and not by the size of a house or business.

What is the process and how long does it take?

Practically any equipment that works with electrical energy, the ideal is always to make a dimensioning to meet your specific needsEach of our installations is different from the other, our average time to install goes from 3 to 5 days. The process from the first contact to the delivery of guarantees is approximately 15 days as long as CFE complies in a timely manner with the signing of the agreements, since if we do not do so, we will be delayed.

- First contact and delivery of receipt by the client Survey.
- Delivery of economic proposal and plans.
- Signature of contracts (payment of 60%)
- Installation (3 to 5 days on average)
– Start of procedures with CFE to obtain a bidirectional meter. (30% charge)
- Change of meter.
- Commissioning.
- Delivery of guarantees.

What are the payment methods?

Our payment methods are: cash, transfers, credit cards.

Are Solar Panels Chinese?

Much of the manufacturing of the main solar panel manufacturers is in China. According to the AECEA report in September 2017, 80% of the production of the domestic photovoltaic module remained in China. However, the fact that they are made in China is not a factor that determines quality, since the technology comes from various parts of the world.

How long is the Warranty period for a Solar Panel?

The solar panels have an efficiency guarantee of 80% for 20 to 25 years.

How much does a Solar Panel cost?

The price of a Solar Panel is from $3,000 to $7,000 Mexican pesos (Not including wiring, inverter, installation or other components of a photovoltaic installation).

How much does an EcoCentro Photovoltaic System cost for a normal INFONAVIT house?

It is not possible to predict a price since it is determined by the electrical consumption of the property and not by the size of a house or business. However, we invite you to make an estimate using our calculator by going to the "Calculate your Savings" section in the top menu.

¿Tengo que hacer algún trámite con CFE?

Yes, when installing a photovoltaic system, several procedures must be carried out, which EcoCentro takes care of.

Is it true that CFE is going to pay me for electricity?

No. Depending on the type of contract, CFE will pay for the surplus generated by its photovoltaic system at the end of the year.

Do I stop paying CFE if I were to install solar panels on my house?

No. In an interconnected system, CFE applies bimonthly fixed charges, such as the right to public lighting (DAP), so the bill can never be $0 MN.

If I install Solar Panels, do I have to pay CFE?

No. When installing solar panels, you should not make a payment to CFE, however, if various procedures are carried out, EcoCentro takes care of them.

If the power of the CFE is cut, could I still have electricity?

No, since there is no electrical network to connect to, the inverter does not operate until it detects the network. It is worth mentioning that certified inverters have "anti-island" mode protection, which provides protection to personnel who operate during repair or maintenance work on distribution networks against an injection of energy from interconnected photovoltaic systems.

If the power of the CFE is cut, could I still have Electricity?

In an interconnected system, no, since there is no electrical network to connect to, the inverter does not operate until it detects the network. It is worth mentioning that certified inverters have "anti-island" mode protection, which provides protection to personnel who operate during repair or maintenance work on distribution networks against an injection of energy from interconnected photovoltaic systems.

Could they be installed on top of trees?

It is possible, however it is not recommended because the tree would no longer receive the sunlight which is essential for it to live.

Could they be installed on top of my water tank?

It is possible, as long as an optimal space is left that allows access to the water tank.

Don't they give a touch if they get wet?

No as the solar cells are vacuum encapsulated and insulated.

Do I need batteries for an Interconnected System?

Batteries are not needed since the interconnected photovoltaic system injects energy directly into the electrical grid without the need to store it. When the property or residence requires electricity at night, the electrical network (CFE) supplies said energy.

The systems that require a battery bank are called Isolated from the Network, in which there is no a continuous supply of energy both day and night.

What is an Isolated System?

Systems that require a battery bank are called Grid Isolated, in which there is no continuous power supply both day and night.

What is an Interconnected System?

The interconnected systems are those that are connected to the CFE electrical network, allowing a continuous supply of energy both day and night.

What is needed to install solar panels?

To install solar panels, all you need is enough space on your roof and the necessary economic and environmental vision to know that solar energy is the best investment you can make to Reinvent the Future of our Planet and your economy.

How long is the warranty period for a Solar Panel?

Solar panels have an efficiency guarantee of 80% for 20 to 25 years.

Will I be able to expand or reduce my Photovoltaic System if my consumption changes?

Solar panels have an efficiency guarantee of 80% for 20 to 25 years.

How often should I replace the equipment of my Photovoltaic System?

The components of the photovoltaic system will deteriorate over time, for the panels, the average life time is 25 years, while the inverters lower their efficiency after 10 years of uninterrupted use. However, the system will continue to work even after the mentioned times, its production will simply be lower.

Does my Photovoltaic Installation require maintenance?

It is recommended to carry out preventive maintenance every six months, as well as continuous cleaning of the surface of the panels.

What is a Solar How could I know that the Solar Panels are working?

There are various ways to discover the correct operation of your photovoltaic system.

- With a hook multimeter.
- Observing the LED indicator of the inverter's operating status.
- Observing the bidirectional meter.
- Observing the LED indicator of the inverter's operating status.
- If you have TIGO TS4 technology in your photovoltaic system, You can consult the daily and historical operation of your photovoltaic system on the platform or in the mobile application.

What happens if a hurricane comes?

Certified mounting systems can withstand wind speeds of up to 177km/h which is equivalent to a category 2 hurricane, however it is always advised to disconnect the photovoltaic system and remove all solar panels as debris kicked up by the wind can hit a solar panel with the risk of being damaged.

Can Solar Cells be damaged by hail?

Our certified solar panels are not damaged because they are made of tempered glass and were subjected to resistance tests to guarantee their life time.

Do the Solar Panels continue to work when it is cloudy or rainy?

When it is cloudy, photovoltaic systems generate a small amount of energy. When it rains, no energy is generated.

What factors does the performance of Solar Panels depend on?

Climate and environmental conditions, such as high temperatures; the correct orientation and inclination of the panels, the correct electrical installation and the technology used to manufacture a solar panel are the main factors that determine a low or high performance of these devices.

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